Love Wanaka Project

Wanaka's approach to regenerative tourism.

The Wanaka community is deeply committed to preserving its cherished natural surroundings and cultural heritage, which is where the Love Wanaka project was born.

Through their mission and impact initiatives, Love Wanaka aim to promote sustainable practices and responsible tourism in the region. Embracing the principles of environmental stewardship, Wanaka endeavors to minimize its ecological footprint through waste management programs, emphasising recycling and waste reduction.

Their four key values at the heart of their mission are:

  • Guardianship
  • Leadership
  • Collaboration
  • Transparency


The community also prioritises energy conservation by adopting eco-friendly technologies and implementing energy-efficient measures. As a united force, they support local businesses and suppliers, bolstering the regional economy and reinforcing their dedication to sustainability. 

With a strong focus on education and engagement, the community strives to inform both residents and visitors about the significance of responsible tourism and the positive impacts of preserving Wanaka's pristine beauty. By fostering a sense of collective responsibility, Wanaka endeavors to safeguard the area's natural wonders and cultural richness for present and future generations.